All posts by Eric Bostrom

This Week at Proctor – November Week 2 – No School Wednesday!

Nov 10th, Dine & Donate @ Mary’s Pizza Shack:

Tomorrow, November 10th, Dine & Donate will be sponsored by Mary’s Pizza Shack. Please click here for a flyer to present when you order for dine-in or delivery. Proctor will receive 20% of your order total. Click here for more info about our Dine & Donate program. Mary’s requires the printed flyer.

Mary’s Pizza Shack Downtown: 615 Fourth St. 5pm-9pm
Mary’s Pizza Shack Delivery: 
707-538-1888 11am-10:30pm

Nov 11th, No School:

Wednesday, November 11th, is a school holiday (Veterans Day). There is no school on this day!

Nov 12th, Soup with the Superintendent:

Santa Rosa City Schools invites you to pull up a chair and grab a bowl of soup. Soup with the Supt has no agenda or speeches. The event is a chance to ask questions, voice concerns and get to know the Superintendent.

November 12th – 5:30 to 7:30 p.m
Santa Rosa City Schools Board Room
211 Ridgway Avenue, Santa Rosa

Nov 12th, ELAC Meeting in Library:

On Thursday, November 12th at 6:30PM there will be an ELAC meeting in the library.


Upcoming events – November 2015

Upcoming Events

Thank you to all parents, students, volunteers and PTA chairpersons for a fantastic sunny Tigerfest yesterday! We hope you all had fun. If you have a moment, please upload your favorite pics or videos to our Proctor Terrace Facebook group.

Here is a short list of upcoming events for the end of October and November. Please make note of these items if you aren’t already subscribing to the Proctor Terrace school calendar available here.

Oct 26-30th – Parent Teacher Conference Week, minimum days all week, school gets out at 11:35AM

Oct 29th – School pictures retake day

Nov 5th, 6PM – Santa Rosa Middle School will be sharing a presentation for our 6th grade students and parents next Thursday night, November 5th at 6:00 in the Multi-Purpose room

Nov 5th, 7PM – Monthly PTA meeting. All are welcome to attend, no child care available. Meet in Library.

Nov 6th – End of first trimester

Nov 10th – Dine & Donate: Mary’s Pizza Shack. Click here for flyer

Nov 11th – No School: Veteran’s Day

Nov 23-27 – No School

…and finally, here’s a cute little wrap-up video of our recent wookiee-a-thon and assembly. Stay tuned for a video of yesterday’s Tigerfest event!

If you aren’t already subscribed to our email newsletter, please take a moment to do so here

After-School Art Program starting this week

We are excited to offer a “Mixed Media Art” enrichment class after school on Wednesdays, 1:30-2:30.   This art class will focus on multiple medias: from clay building, to painting, to collage, to sculpture, to oil and chalk pastels, and many more!
To register; please login at: and sign-up under Proctor Terrace Elementary School or fill in attached form.
Questions? Call 575-7701 or email

Hi Parents,

As we enter our sixth week of school, we want to thank all of you for your new and continued support and participation in the Proctor Terrace Parent-Teacher Association.  If you have not yet had the opportunity to join, here is a great video that highlights how the PTA positively effects our children and their classrooms. Click here  for more information on joining the PTA.

We also invite you to visit the PTA website for updates pertaining to the 2015/16 school year. We are working hard to keep you updated on the latest enrichment programs, volunteer opportunities and school deadlines.
On the site you will find:

  1. A new calendar of events, with instructions for adding the continuously updated calendar to your smartphone, tablet, computer or other device:
  2. A list of current and planned after-school enrichment opportunities:
  3. Information regarding the Proctor Terrace eScrip program:
  4. Current volunteer opportunities:
  5. Our updated Dine & Donate program, with calendar of upcoming events:
Earlier this week your student received an optional student directory form for you to complete. The student directory is a phone book for parents and students. There are also sponsorship opportunities if you would like to advertise your local business. This form is due October 6th.

Thank you very much for your participation in another successful walkathon. Please be sure to collect and return the Wookieethon pledge donations by October 5th.

Thank you for your interest and participation in enriching our students lives. Your volunteer efforts and donations go a long way towards providing a bright future for our children.

We hope to see you at the monthly PTA meeting, this Thursday, October 1st, at 7PM in the school library.

Proctor Terrace PTA

After School Enrichment Programs

Many wonderful After-School Programs are starting up at Proctor Terrace this school year. No need to drive all over town for fun and quality activities!


  1. Move Over Mozart piano lessons offered for grades K-6 are held on Thursdays and will begin October 1st. For more information or to register, please call Lynn Fleck at 824-0307 or visit or click here for flyer.
  2. Spanish class is for grades K-2 on Wednesdays 9/23/15. Registration and info can be found here: or click here for flyer.
  3. KidVets Science classes for grades 2-6 begins 9/28/15. For more information, please email Pam Wittenberg or click here for flyer.
  4. Girls on the Run is offered for girls in grades 3-5 and will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. More information can be found here:


  1. Art class – will be offered on Wednesdays
  2. KidScience will be on Thursdays,
  3. Amazing Athletes will be on Tuesdays,
  4. Lego by Play-Well TEKnologies
  5. Spanish classes, Disfruta, will be offered for 3-6th graders in the Winter/Spring

Please support these programs by enrolling your students. Thank you!

Heather Green & Kris Lee (email and

After-School Program Coordinators

Join the PTA today!

Have you considered joining the PTA but never really knew what it was about or what it does? The Proctor Terrace PTA has funded academic, athletic, artistic and after school enrichment, provided funding for playground equipment, field trips, our school garden, new technology and special events like Tigerfest, Ice Cream Social and movie nights. EVERY child at Proctor Terrace has benefited through our PTA.

Your membership even goes beyond our blacktop. The National PTA advocates for legislation impacting children and education. Please show your support for Proctor Terrace by becoming a PTA member today! Memberships are only $7.50 per person and members can include your family and friends. Membership forms can be found on the door of the PTA closet and the magazine rack by the office.

Plus, if your child’s classroom gets 100% in memberships by September 30th, their teacher will receive an extra $50 for curriculum enrichment! The first classroom to reach 100% gets $100. This year, that honor went to Mrs. Millea’s Kindergarten class!

If you would like to know more about our PTA, please stop by a PTA meeting. We meet the first Thursday of every month at 7pm in the library.

Remember PTA means “Parent-Teacher Association”. Thanks for making Proctor Terrace awesome!!!!

Member’s Name(s)
Teacher’s Name(s)