All posts by Eric Bostrom


Mrs. Olmsted and team are in the midst of hiring a noon supervisor to help our children during their lunch and recess hour. This is not a quick or easy process, and PTES needs our help now. If you are able to commit an hour of your day, 11:10 a.m.-12:10 p.m.,please contact the school office right away.

Even if you are able to commit to one day a week for the next several weeks, please do not hesitate to raise your hand and step up. A lunch hour here, a workout session there… the time you can commit to PTES will help in building a safe and wonderful school community.

Please talk to each other, and help spread the message of this very much needed help. Click this link to for details, or email Mrs. Olmsted if interested.

Important Details for Wookieethon and Tigerfest

Important Details for Wookieethon and Tigerfest
Wookieethon, Sept 25th 1:25pm:
  • Wookieethon still needs volunteers:
  • Dress up for Wookieethon.  Anything Star Wars or space theme.  $10 gift card for Best Costume!
  • Wear sunscreen and bring a water bottle
  • All prizes will be handed out the day of Wookieethon after your child completes their laps.  Be sure to turn in lap card at prize redemption.  See prize flyer for more information.
  • All pre-paid forms and permission slips are due by September 18th
  • Bring your cameras for the photo booth.  It is now a free booth, but you have to take your own pictures.  Props will be available to use.
  • ALL DONATIONS DUE October 5th !
Tigerfest, Oct 25th 12-3pm:
Wear your costume, dress your best, it’s almost time for Tigerfest!
Preparations are underway for Proctor Terrace Elementary School’s annual Halloween carnival. Tigerfest is hosted by parents and can only happen with your support.
The ASK:
  • We need to add five more parents to the committee. This is a short-term, high impact commitment…and FUN!
  • If you can help, please email by Sunday, September 20th. Thank you!
Here’s what YOU can do to help:
  • Help with set up (8am-11am)
    • Run a game during the carnival and represent your child’s class (12pm-3pm)
    • Help with cleanup (3pm-6pm)
  • Donate candy
  • Donate prizes or money to purchase prizes
  • Lend an awning for shade/rain or a cooler (remember to put  your name and phone number on it)
  • Bake a cake for the cake walk
  • Work anywhere as necessary!

Signed Message from Alena Wall, Tigerfest Co-Chair

If you can help with Wookieethon, please sign up at ASAP


PTA Update April 9th, 2015

Principal’s Corner

Safety Reminders:

Students are not to arrive at school before 7:50. We do not have supervision before that time. Also students are to go to their class lines and not be playing on the equipment, riding bikes or scooters on campus. If your child brings a scooter to school, they are to lock it up in the bike cage.


PTA General Meeting

PTA General meeting will be held  Tuesday the 12th at 6:30pm Everyone is welcome to  attend the PTA meetings. PTA likes seeing new faces and likes to hear new ideas. Keep in mind this is a great way to learn more about your child’s school and how you can get more involved! Also we have a few open spots that you could help with and  join our fabulous We have a Proctor Parent who has stepped up to take the Secretary position for our PTA Executive Board next year and she would LOVE to have another parent share the role with her.  Being on the Board is a fantastic way to get involved with your child’s education and to meet awesome people.  Please consider helping out, by co-charing you will always have support and all training will be provided by the current Secretary, thank you! Also other   PTA Executive Board  open spots for the next school year as well as a few Committee Chairs including Walk & Roll, Book Fair.  Get involved and become a part of something wonderful for our children.  Please contact if you are interested or have any questions, thank you!!

 Passport Day May 1st:

This year your child will be able to travel the world by visiting different classes that will be representing different country’s! This is a great way for children to learn different cutlers, try different types of food, and have an all day filled with lots of FUN! Please talk with your child’s teacher as they will need volunteers and items donated for the day!

Open House:

This year open house will be May, 7th from 6:00pm- 8:00pm please come see what your children have been working on all year! Also please visit the other classrooms and ask the next grade level teachers any question’s so you and your child will see what they might be working on next year. Also all grades will be dismissed at 11:35am so please do not forget to make arrangement for your child to be picked up if you are not going to be able to.

PTA 2nd Annually Golf Tournament:

The PTA 2nd Annual golf tournament will be held this coming May 8th 2015 Tee off time will be 1:15pm at the Bennett Valley GC. This is a great event to help support the PTA programs. A few things to keep in mind, is if you register before April, 3rd you will receive a $15 discount for individuals or a $60 discount on a foursome.

Last year’s event was a sold out success!!! We raised over $20,000 in conjunction with the annual auction. Participants included Proctor Terrace families, alumni, as well as our Proctor Terrace Community.

We are looking for volunteers who can help with seeking sponsors and donors, golfer registration and game day support. No experience with golf is necessary, just a willingness to help our school. There will be lots of fun under the sun, a few holes in one and a tone of laughs so please contact Troy Cox to ask questions about golfing or helping out!

If you would like to help with this year’s event please go to sing up genius   or contact:

Troy Cox, Tournament Director
707-523-0103 Home
707-494-2697 Cell

Please join us for a fun day of golfing!!!



PTA Weekly Update: March 8th, 2015

PTA General Meeting:

PTA  General meeting will be held this Tuesday the 10th  at 6:30pm please attend as we have a lot to look into for the rest of this year and start filling up the open spots for next year. Here is a list of a few open spots and more might be available so please attend .

  • Membership-
  • Tigerfest
  • Dine and Donate
  • Ice cream Social
  • Walk & Roll-
  • Teacher and Staff Appreciation-
  • Assemblies-
  • Welcome Back Picnic-

Dine and Donate:

We are getting ready for a fun Beach Part themed Dine and Donate night coming this April, 2015. will post more after the meeting this Tuesday but if you would like to help make this event happen please come to the meeting and see what is involved for this event to happen!

PTA 2nd Annually Golf Tournament:

The PTA 2nd Annual golf tournament will be held this coming May 8th 2015 Tee off time will be 1:15pm at the Bennett Valley GC. This is a great event to help support the PTA programs. A few things to keep in mind, is if you register before April, 3rd you will receive a $15 discount for individuals or a $60 discount on a foursome.

Last year’s event was a sold out success!!! We raised over $20,000 in conjunction with the annual auction. Participants included Proctor Terrace families, alumni, as well as our Proctor Terrace Community.

We are looking for volunteers who can help with seeking sponsors and donors, golfer registration and game day support. No experience with golf is necessary, just a willingness to help our school.There will be lots of fun under the sun, a few holes in one and a tone of laughs so please contact Troy Cox to ask questions about golfing or helping out!

If you would like to help with this year’s event please contact:

Troy Cox, Tournament Director
707-523-0103 Home
707-494-2697 Cell

Please join us for another exiting day of golfing

Catholic Charity Donation Drive:

We are accepting donations to help the Homeless starting March,9th -April, 10th. There will be bins in the hallways of the school to collect NEW ITEMS ONLY.

  •  New Socks for All ages children and adults
  •  New Underwear for All ages children and  adults
  • Ponchos
  • Household items
  • Trash bags
  • Zip lock bags
  • Toileteries
  • Cleaning Supplies


Spring Break:

Spring Break from March 23rd- March 27th. Have a fun safe happy Spring Break!


PTA Monthly Update: January 21st, 2015

Mrs. Olmsted


After-School Programs

Two new After-School Programs are coming to Proctor Terrace! More info + registration info coming home in next week’s Wed folders 1) PlayWell Lego Go to to register + for more info January 26 – March 30th for grades K-4 on Mondays 2) Drama Program – “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” January 28 – April (performance in April) for grades 1-6 on Wednesdays Ongoing Programs – see previous blogs for info, those programs with * are open for registration Mondays: Art* year round through May, all grades Wednesdays: Spanish grades K-2 (2nd session beginning in February) Thursdays: Spanish grades 3-6 (2nd session beginning in February) Piano* all grades Fridays: Tae Kwon Do* all grades Any questions: Contact Kathy Doig, After-School Programs Coordinator


Join Girls on the Run This Spring

Girls on the run Dates: Every Monday & Thursday from February 9 – April 24, 2015 (excluding holidays)  Time: 2:45 – 4:00pm Cost: $165 (Scholarship available upon request)     Contact: Coach Kristina Lee ~ Girls on the Run (GOTR) is a fun after-school program for 3rd to 5th grade girls that meets twice per week.  Using the power of running and being active, girls learn important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, goal-setting, conflict resolution and healthy decision making. At the end of the program, all girls participate in a non-competitive 5K (3.1 mile) run/walk event as a final personal challenge for the season.  Crossing the finish line produces a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in everyone.  To learn more, visit Application Deadline: February 1, 2015 Group size is limited to 15 girls and no running experience is necessary! Timeline: Application Period January 19 – February 1 Team Selection Period February 2 – February 6 CREDIT/DEBIT Cards Processed February 9 CASH Payments Due February 11 Application Instructions:

  1. Visit and apply
  2. Contact the Coach if you need a paper application or an application translated in Spanish

Group size is limited to 15 girls. To ensure equal participation, teams are lottery picked based upon grade and prior participation. If your daughter is selected on a team:

  • CREDIT/DEBIT Cards will be processed on February 9. CASH PAYMENTS are due February 11 or your spot will become open to wait list candidates
  • Coach will e-mail a Welcome Letter to you by February 9

If your daughter is not selected on a team, your CREDIT/DEBIT card will not be processed.

Tiger Togs Order

bag Tiger Tog orders are almost here! Thanks so much to everyone for their patience. Between the storm, the holidays, and the lack of inventory in my closet, new orders fell behind. Next week is when the delivery will be. Don’t forget, the new sling bags are also available for just $12, great way to tote around your extra gear!





December 8th, 2014

Principal Video Newsletter ESP

Principal Video Newsletter ENG


Holiday Craft Fair


Come out and support our school and get some awesome books! It starts at 10am and ends at 4pm. Volunteers are needed! Only one slot is fulfilled right now. Click here to sign up now. There will also be a craft fair and bake sale. The bake sale proceeds all go to the 6th Grade Outdoor Education Fund which will be determined by the 6th grade teachers how it is used. If you want to donate baked goods to the bake sale please bring them to the MPR by 10am on Saturday the 13th of December.

Scholastic Online Book Fair

You may purchase books online from December 7th to December 27th to benefit our school’s book fair. Click here to purchase books now.

Science Night

There will be no Science Night December 11th.  It will be rescheduled at a later date.

Other Important Dates to Remember

December 19th: Last Day before Winter Break / PAJAMA DAY!!!
Jan 5th: Welcome Back!





November 18th, 2014


There will be General Meeting tonight after SRMS presentation at 6:00pm in the MPR.  Please bring your 6th graders for the meeting.  SRMS will be done by 6:45pm.  Please stay for the General Meeting.

Barnes and Noble Book Fair Shopping Event


The Barnes and Noble book fair is starting on November 28th and ending on December 5th.  We get 5 – 15% of all Proctor Terrace sales from that weekend.  We also get a gift wrapping station provided from 1-5pm on Black Friday weekend. Mrs. Olmsted will read a book to the children at 2pm on Sunday November 30th in the children’s book area. We keep all the tips donated from anyone who wants to participate.  Volunteers will be needed.  Click here to sign up now.

1st Annual Holiday Fair


Due to some major scheduling conflicts the Scholastic Book Fair will only be one day.  So we decided to make a grand event of it.  We will also be having a Craft Fair and Bake Sale.  Everything will start at 10am on December 13th and end at 4pm.  The 6th graders will be responsible for making and selling the treats for the Bake Sale.  All proceeds will go to the Outdoor Education Fund.  If you would like to volunteer for the Book Fair please sign up here.  If you have a craft that you would like to sell at the fair please contact Bess at or sign ups are also available here.

After School Programs Update

1) Monday Art for K-6 – ongoing until May, students can be registered any time throughout the year. Offered by Art and Soul Music Studios, $45 / month, registration link here:,%20Santa%20Rosa&countyID=4

2) Direction Five (D5) Culinary Program for grades 4-6, begins Dec 5th for 3 Fridays, $75 Registration Deadline Friday Nov. 21st Registration Link and Program Info:

Ongoing Programs: –Wed Spanish for grades K-2 –Thurs Spanish for grades 3-6 –Thurs Kidscience for all grades –Thurs Move Over Mozart Piano for all grades –Friday Tae Kwon Do for all grades

Coming in January – LEGO for all grades, Kinder Program just added! Registration info coming in December Questions? Contact Kathy Doig, After School Programs Coordinator

Special Dates to Remember

November 17-21: Parent/Teacher Conferences MINIMUM DAYS ALL WEEK. OUT AT 11:35! NO FREE ONE HOUR DAYCARE.
November 18: 6:00pm General Meeting/SRMS Information during the first 45 min
November 24-28: Thanksgiving Week NO SCHOOL
November 28-December 5th: Barnes and Noble Shop and Donate
November 30th: Mrs. Olmsted reads at 2pm at Barnes and Noble
December 13: 1st Annual Holiday Fair
December 22nd-Jan 2nd: Winter Break NO SCHOOL


November 3rd, 2014



We had a wonderful assembly last week.  We earned just over $29,000. All the kids were really excited for their Zumba led by Mrs. Olmsted.  Almost 40 kids got to take home a prize for most laps walked per grade level and a raffle for any child who collected $150 or more.  All of the following are businesses that sponsored the event or a prize for a child:

Ratto Group – Provided a t-shirt for all students to wear for the walkathon and to keep afterwards.
Palooza Food Truck – Provided their awesome gourmet food for our event.
Oliver’s, Pacific Market, Culligan Water, Safeway, Trader’s Joe, Matheson, Wells Fargo Center Farmer’s Market, and Baskin Robbins- Supplies for the Event.

Santa Rosa Recreation and Parks
Movement Lab
Segal’s ATA
Jamba Juice
Music Biz
Granma’s Attic
Sports City
Driven Raceway
Chuck E Cheese
Pump It Up
Cal Skate
Kaleidoscope Toys
Play Again Sports
Barnes and Noble
Cooperfield’s Bookstore



“Thank you Proctor Terrace community for making my first Tigerfest so great! It was a beautiful day and such a delight to see our students in there costumes, enjoying some old fashion fun! I really appreciate all the hard work and dedication that it takes to continue these traditions at our school.” – Kathy Olmsted

Thank you to all the volunteers that helped with the event.  Special thanks to Andrea Blanco, Sheila Parra, Jennifer Nash, Chris and Raissa Hamilton, Connie Sultana, Sarah Navarro, and Harold Nelson.  They were the backbone of the whole operation.  Also would like to thank Trader Joe’s for their donation for the sno cone supplies.  We are still trying to perfect the prize area which is really hard without the volunteers needed.  If you have any suggestions or would like to be involve next year please email me at  Also email me if you weren’t able to cash in your tokens for any reason.  We have a lot of prizes that you can choose from still and I’m willing to get together to make sure your child is able to use their tokens.

Special thanks to Victoria Bigelow for growing such amazing pumpkins that were used for the ring toss game and also the huge pumpkin carved for the raffle.  The carved pumpkin was done by Andrew Stanbro.

Tiger Tog Order


Fall weather is finally here, time to stock up on your Tiger Togs. Accessorize your spirit wear with our new sling bag! Our newest Tiger Gear is just $12. It’s really high quality and very roomy. Now available for online ordering here. Order forms will be going out in folders soon, so you can order enough for the whole family!  Also make excellent Christmas gifts.

Classroom Move

We are getting closer and closer to move day. For those of you who may not know, we are making some room changes to better serve all of our students. Ms. Johnson’s room is moving into to main building where our teacher resource room has been located. Mr. Swedenborg will be moving in next to his fellow teachers in Room 32. Our students who receive Special Education services and Speech Therapy will be moving to Room 37. We are all very excited! I was planning on this being a year long project but everyone was so enthusiastic that we are making the moves on the weekend of November 8th!

If you are available and would like to help, we would love to have you! A few weeks ago we had a clean up day and It was a blast! I am looking forward to even more fun on moving day! Treats will be involved…

Book Fairs

We have two book fairs coming up.  First there is the Barnes and Noble book fair on Black Friday weekend.  We get 5 – 15% of all Proctor Terrace sales from that weekend.  Plus we get a gift wrapping station provided and we keep all the tips donated from anyone who wants to participate.  Volunteers will be needed.  Click here to sign up now.


Scholastic Book Fair will be held the second week of December only after school.  It will start Wednesday December 9th and end Saturday December 13th.  We will need volunteers for the shifts but we have not yet decided on the times yet.  On that Saturday there is a craft fair that is in the works.  We are still working out the details. There may be a table charge but we have not decided yet.  If you craft and would like to have a table for the event please send a contact form here.

 After School Enrichment

Much work has been done to offer wonderful After-School Programs for our kids right here at Proctor Terrace.
No driving all over town for fun and quality activities!

We had to cancel (hopefully just postpone) our Direction 5 Culinary Program for grades 1-3 last week for low enrollment. If your child (any grade) is interested in the Direction 5 Culinary Program, please contact Kathy Doig immediately at Read more about D5 here:

Right now our Monday Art class, which begins on Monday, Nov. 3rd, has low enrollment.
Please support these programs or we risk losing them.

1) Monday Art for grades K-6 begins 11/3/14. Registration and info can be found here:,%20Santa%20Rosa&countyID=4

2) Friday Tae Kwon Do for grades K-6 begins 11/7/14. To register or for any info, please email
or call Monica Miramontez at or 707-539-KICK (5425).
Flyers came home this week so check your child’s backpack!

1) Spanish on Wednesdays and Thursdays
2) KidScience on Thursdays
3) Move Over Mozart Piano on Thursdays

1) Lego on Mondays

Thank you!
Kathy Doig
After-School Program Coordinator

Special Dates to Remember

November 10-11: NO SCHOOL
November 17-21: Parent/Teacher Conferences MINIMUM DAYS ALL WEEK. OUT AT 11:35! NO FREE ONE HOUR DAYCARE.
November 18: 6:00pm General Meeting/SRMS Information during the first 45 min
November 24-28: Thanksgiving Week NO SCHOOL
November 28-December 5th: Barnes and Noble Shop and Donate
December 9-13: Scholastic Book Fair After School (Time unknown for Saturday)
December 13: Craft Fair MPR (Time unknown)
December 11: Science Night 6-8pm

October 8th, 2014

General Meeting

Big agenda for next general meeting on October 14th at 6:30.  The Treasurer’s report, After School Enrichment, Walkathon recap, Book Fair, Tigerfest, votes on popcorn maker/projector, Craft Fair in December and classroom needs vs. Marquee to name a few.  Please come and let your voice be heard.



We need your help and support. The money for the Walk-a-Thon is coming in, but we have only reached half of our goal. The due date for donations has been extended to Monday, October 13th. Our hope is to raise $25,000. Remember all proceeds from this event goes directly to programs and technology for our students. We are all committed to providing our students with the best educational opportunities possible but need your financial support to make this happen. The Walk-a-Thon assembly has been postponed and will take place next Friday, October 17th.

Chuck E. Cheese


We have a dine and donate coming up on Friday at Chuck E. Cheese.  The store is in Rohnert Park near Food Maxx.  They have completely remodeled the store and added tons of new games.  The also made Chuck E. Cheese a lot less scary looking for the younger kids, haha!  Each child will receive a sticker for 10 free tokens to use that night.  Please remember to bring your flyer and invite family and friends because 15% of all proceeds goes to our school.



Preparations are underway for Proctor Terrace Elementary School’s annual Halloween carnival for October 26th from 12-3pm. Tigerfest is hosted by the PTA and can only happen with your support.  If you can help, please return form to your child’s teacher or to the front office. Click here for the Tigerfest form.

All games & food items at Tigerfest are paid for with tickets. Games cost one ticket each.  Beverages cost 2-3 tickets, snacks cost 2-3 tickets, & meals cost 5-7 tickets.

We will have a double-sided slide and new food items. Signs up available at

Detailed menu available at

Pre-order your tickets by Wednesday, October 22nd and receive 3 tickets for $1.00.

Click here for the pre-order form.

After School Enrichment

KidScience After-School Program starts next Thursday, October 16th from 2:30-3:30 pm. for 6 weeks.
It’s not too late to register for this fun and engaging program. Even kids who think they don’t like
“Science” will love this hands-on class. For grades 1-6.

Art and Soul Mixed Media Art Classes will begin on Monday, November 3rd and will continue through May.
Students can add into the class at anytime throughout the school year. For grades 1-6:,%20Santa%20Rosa&countyID=4

Direction 5 Culinary Program will tentatively begin on Friday 10/24 from 2:30-4 pm in the MPR Kitchen. Not only will kids get to cook, but they will learn about nutrition and health. This is an amazing program!
Please read more about Direction 5 here:

Miramontez Tae Kwon Do – tentatively starting in November on Fridays

Ongoing Programs:

Disfruta Spanish on Wednesdays (K-2nd grades) and Thursdays (3-6th grades)

Move Over Mozart Piano on Thursdays for K-6

Lego Classes will begin in January

Any questions about After-School Programs, please contact Kathy Doig