Category Archives: Uncategorized

Experience The Wizard of Oz at Proctor!


Join us on Friday, March 18th, for a performance of The Wizard of Oz starring fine young actors from the 3rd through 6th grade Proctor classes.

The evening performance will begin in the multi-purpose room at 7:00pm. There are no tickets/fees for entry (but donations will be accepted) so get in line early as it will be a packed house and we must keep all of the aisles clear for the performance.

Flowers and baked goods will be sold before the show and during intermission out on the blacktop. The only saved seats will be the front row seats which were raffled off and won by these families: Fisher Family, Allen Family, Brumbaugh Family and Waterman Family.

The only other option for viewing are the two daytime performances at 8:30am (primary) and 12:30pm (upper grades), if room allows. Visitors will need to sit behind students as classes and teachers are seated first during the daytime performances.

Hope to see you there!

This week at Proctor

2/1 – Pennies for Patients:

Starting today, Proctor Terrace Elementary School is participating in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Pennies for Patients program; a service-learning program that gives students the unique experience of working together to help raise awareness and funds in honor of thousands of children and adults fighting against blood cancers!  We are asking that everyone (students,faculty, parents, alumni, etc.) at Proctor Terrace Elementary School join in this effort of raising awareness and collecting funds to benefit the mission of LLS: to find cures for blood cancers and to improve the quality of life for patient and their families.


Every 3 minutes someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer and every 10 minutes someone loses their battle. Thanks to the support of people like you, doctors are getting closer to finding a cure every day!  In the 1960’s the 5-year survival rate for children under the age of 20 with ALL (the most common form of leukemia) went from a mere 3% to nearly 95% today!  Your support is critical to help us find a cure and I hope you will join us in the fight against blood

Click Here to Donate Now!

Thank you so much for supporting LLS and Proctor Terrace Elementary School’s participation in the Pennies program! Together we can reach our goal of $2016! For more information on Pennies for Patients or other LLS Student Series Programs, please visit:

2/4 – PTA Meeting:

PTA meeting Thursday, at 7pm in the library.
Meeting called by: Sara Nerius
Attendees: Parents, Teachers, Board members
Please read: January Minutes and approve

The agenda includes:

7:00-7:15pm – Welcome!
Principal’s Report
Teacher’s Report

7:15-7:30pm – Old Business
Ozzie’s grill fundraiser
Approving the PTA channels that can be used to publicize a non-PTA event. Can we make it part of the newsletters too?
TGA Jr golf enrichment Program
New Secretary position available

7:30-7:45pm – New Business
Emergency Food bags
New projector for Mrs. Averbuck
DDA updates and needs
Golf Tournament updates and needs

7:45-8:00pm – Announcements
Next Meeting March 3 , 2016

2/10 – Santa Rosa Middle School 6th Grade Orientation:

6th Grade Orientation at Santa Rosa Middle School Wednesday, February 10th @ 6:30pm in the Santa Rosa Middle School gym.

Join us for a very important and fun night at SRMS. This is a family event. We will have a short presentation in the gym and dance done by Leadership. After, the campus is open to tour for everyone. Leadership will have music in the quad and will be selling frozen yogurt with toppings. We will also have all our SRMS Cougar gear for sale ($10-$30) for hats, tshirts, sweatshirts and more. This table is always full and the kids love to wear their new Cougar gear to school the following day!

It’s happening… your 6th graders will be Middle School Students in a handful of months. It’s always fun to go to all the elective course rooms, too.

We can’t wait to see you!

2/2 – 3/8/16 – Parenting Advanced Learners Classes:

Dates: February 2 – March 8, 2016
Location: Child Parent Institute, 3650 Standish Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA
To Register: Call (707) 585-6108 x1240 or visit,

Click “Parent Services,” “Classes,” then scroll to “Parenting Advanced Learners”

A series of six discussion-based classes facilitated by Karen Littell, MSW.

Parenting gifted children can be wonderfully rewarding. It can also be challenging, frustrating and exhausting! This series of guided discussion groups will offer information about nurturing our sensitive, intense, creative, and insatiably curious children.

Topics will include understanding gifted intensities, meeting social/emotional needs, peer relationships, isolation, perfectionism, procrastination, motivation, underachievement, self-regulation, executive function skills, depression, twice exceptional children (gifted plus other issues), stress, idealism, frustration tolerance, advocacy, imposter syndrome, and nurturing ourselves too!

Please join us for good company, support, and lively discussion.

Dinner, Dance & Auction – Save the Date:

Date: April 9, 2016
Location: Ellington Hall (3535 Industrial Drive- just 3.2 miles from Proctor Terrace)
Theme: A Night in Italy
Price: $30/ticket

Dear Proctor Terrace Families and Community Members,

The Dinner, Dance, Auction (DDA) is our school’s big spring fundraiser. This adult-only event is a great way to spend time with other parents, teachers and community stakeholders while raising much needed funds for our school.  Please mark your calendar.

In addition, we are actively looking for donation items from families and local businesses.  Please consider donating an item for the silent or live auction. Donations are tax deductible.

If you have questions, please email the committee at or call Emily
White at (707) 861-8885.

Please click here for DDA save the date flyer with complete details.
Please click here for DDA donation form

 After School Enrichment

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It’s a new year and after school enrichment classes are starting up at Proctor Terrace! There are ongoing classes and new ones starting with availability – sign up to learn and have fun!


  1. Engineering Fundamental Lego class by Play-Well TEKnologies, will be offered on Fridays 2:30-4:00 for Grade 1-4. Click here for flyer. Register asap at
  2. Look Who’s Playing Chess!” by Miss Dee. Chess will be offered on Thursdays starting late January.  Open to 1st-6th  Watch for flyer available soon.


  1. KidVets Science classes for grades 2-6 starts on Monday Jan25th. Click here for flyer. For more information, please email Pam Wittenberg at or visit
  2. Move Over Mozart piano lessons offered for grades K-6 are held on Thursdays and there are available spots. For more information or to register, please call Lynn Fleck at 824-0307 or visit
  3. Mixed Media Art” enrichment class after school on Wednesdays, 1:30-2:30.   This art class will focus on multiple medias: from clay building, to painting, to collage, to sculpture, to oil and chalk pastels, and many more!  To register; please login at: and sign-up under Proctor Terrace Elementary School.
  4. Amazing Athletes Amazing Athletes continue to meet on Tuesdays. Click here for flyer.


  1. Spanish classes, Disfruta, will be coming back starting in February,
  2. KidScience will be coming on Thursdays,

Please support these great programs by enrolling your students.  Thank you

Heather Green & Kris Lee ( and

After-School Program Coordinators

Upcoming events – November 2015

Upcoming Events

Thank you to all parents, students, volunteers and PTA chairpersons for a fantastic sunny Tigerfest yesterday! We hope you all had fun. If you have a moment, please upload your favorite pics or videos to our Proctor Terrace Facebook group.

Here is a short list of upcoming events for the end of October and November. Please make note of these items if you aren’t already subscribing to the Proctor Terrace school calendar available here.

Oct 26-30th – Parent Teacher Conference Week, minimum days all week, school gets out at 11:35AM

Oct 29th – School pictures retake day

Nov 5th, 6PM – Santa Rosa Middle School will be sharing a presentation for our 6th grade students and parents next Thursday night, November 5th at 6:00 in the Multi-Purpose room

Nov 5th, 7PM – Monthly PTA meeting. All are welcome to attend, no child care available. Meet in Library.

Nov 6th – End of first trimester

Nov 10th – Dine & Donate: Mary’s Pizza Shack. Click here for flyer

Nov 11th – No School: Veteran’s Day

Nov 23-27 – No School

…and finally, here’s a cute little wrap-up video of our recent wookiee-a-thon and assembly. Stay tuned for a video of yesterday’s Tigerfest event!

If you aren’t already subscribed to our email newsletter, please take a moment to do so here

After-School Art Program starting this week

We are excited to offer a “Mixed Media Art” enrichment class after school on Wednesdays, 1:30-2:30.   This art class will focus on multiple medias: from clay building, to painting, to collage, to sculpture, to oil and chalk pastels, and many more!
To register; please login at: and sign-up under Proctor Terrace Elementary School or fill in attached form.
Questions? Call 575-7701 or email