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Hi Parents,

As we enter our sixth week of school, we want to thank all of you for your new and continued support and participation in the Proctor Terrace Parent-Teacher Association.  If you have not yet had the opportunity to join, here is a great video that highlights how the PTA positively effects our children and their classrooms. Click here  for more information on joining the PTA.

We also invite you to visit the PTA website for updates pertaining to the 2015/16 school year. We are working hard to keep you updated on the latest enrichment programs, volunteer opportunities and school deadlines.
On the site you will find:

  1. A new calendar of events, with instructions for adding the continuously updated calendar to your smartphone, tablet, computer or other device:
  2. A list of current and planned after-school enrichment opportunities:
  3. Information regarding the Proctor Terrace eScrip program:
  4. Current volunteer opportunities:
  5. Our updated Dine & Donate program, with calendar of upcoming events:
Earlier this week your student received an optional student directory form for you to complete. The student directory is a phone book for parents and students. There are also sponsorship opportunities if you would like to advertise your local business. This form is due October 6th.

Thank you very much for your participation in another successful walkathon. Please be sure to collect and return the Wookieethon pledge donations by October 5th.

Thank you for your interest and participation in enriching our students lives. Your volunteer efforts and donations go a long way towards providing a bright future for our children.

We hope to see you at the monthly PTA meeting, this Thursday, October 1st, at 7PM in the school library.

Proctor Terrace PTA

After School Enrichment Programs

Many wonderful After-School Programs are starting up at Proctor Terrace this school year. No need to drive all over town for fun and quality activities!


  1. Move Over Mozart piano lessons offered for grades K-6 are held on Thursdays and will begin October 1st. For more information or to register, please call Lynn Fleck at 824-0307 or visit or click here for flyer.
  2. Spanish class is for grades K-2 on Wednesdays 9/23/15. Registration and info can be found here: or click here for flyer.
  3. KidVets Science classes for grades 2-6 begins 9/28/15. For more information, please email Pam Wittenberg or click here for flyer.
  4. Girls on the Run is offered for girls in grades 3-5 and will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. More information can be found here:


  1. Art class – will be offered on Wednesdays
  2. KidScience will be on Thursdays,
  3. Amazing Athletes will be on Tuesdays,
  4. Lego by Play-Well TEKnologies
  5. Spanish classes, Disfruta, will be offered for 3-6th graders in the Winter/Spring

Please support these programs by enrolling your students. Thank you!

Heather Green & Kris Lee (email and

After-School Program Coordinators

Join the PTA today!

Have you considered joining the PTA but never really knew what it was about or what it does? The Proctor Terrace PTA has funded academic, athletic, artistic and after school enrichment, provided funding for playground equipment, field trips, our school garden, new technology and special events like Tigerfest, Ice Cream Social and movie nights. EVERY child at Proctor Terrace has benefited through our PTA.

Your membership even goes beyond our blacktop. The National PTA advocates for legislation impacting children and education. Please show your support for Proctor Terrace by becoming a PTA member today! Memberships are only $7.50 per person and members can include your family and friends. Membership forms can be found on the door of the PTA closet and the magazine rack by the office.

Plus, if your child’s classroom gets 100% in memberships by September 30th, their teacher will receive an extra $50 for curriculum enrichment! The first classroom to reach 100% gets $100. This year, that honor went to Mrs. Millea’s Kindergarten class!

If you would like to know more about our PTA, please stop by a PTA meeting. We meet the first Thursday of every month at 7pm in the library.

Remember PTA means “Parent-Teacher Association”. Thanks for making Proctor Terrace awesome!!!!

Member’s Name(s)
Teacher’s Name(s)

PTA Update April 9th, 2015

Principal’s Corner

Safety Reminders:

Students are not to arrive at school before 7:50. We do not have supervision before that time. Also students are to go to their class lines and not be playing on the equipment, riding bikes or scooters on campus. If your child brings a scooter to school, they are to lock it up in the bike cage.


PTA General Meeting

PTA General meeting will be held  Tuesday the 12th at 6:30pm Everyone is welcome to  attend the PTA meetings. PTA likes seeing new faces and likes to hear new ideas. Keep in mind this is a great way to learn more about your child’s school and how you can get more involved! Also we have a few open spots that you could help with and  join our fabulous We have a Proctor Parent who has stepped up to take the Secretary position for our PTA Executive Board next year and she would LOVE to have another parent share the role with her.  Being on the Board is a fantastic way to get involved with your child’s education and to meet awesome people.  Please consider helping out, by co-charing you will always have support and all training will be provided by the current Secretary, thank you! Also other   PTA Executive Board  open spots for the next school year as well as a few Committee Chairs including Walk & Roll, Book Fair.  Get involved and become a part of something wonderful for our children.  Please contact if you are interested or have any questions, thank you!!

 Passport Day May 1st:

This year your child will be able to travel the world by visiting different classes that will be representing different country’s! This is a great way for children to learn different cutlers, try different types of food, and have an all day filled with lots of FUN! Please talk with your child’s teacher as they will need volunteers and items donated for the day!

Open House:

This year open house will be May, 7th from 6:00pm- 8:00pm please come see what your children have been working on all year! Also please visit the other classrooms and ask the next grade level teachers any question’s so you and your child will see what they might be working on next year. Also all grades will be dismissed at 11:35am so please do not forget to make arrangement for your child to be picked up if you are not going to be able to.

PTA 2nd Annually Golf Tournament:

The PTA 2nd Annual golf tournament will be held this coming May 8th 2015 Tee off time will be 1:15pm at the Bennett Valley GC. This is a great event to help support the PTA programs. A few things to keep in mind, is if you register before April, 3rd you will receive a $15 discount for individuals or a $60 discount on a foursome.

Last year’s event was a sold out success!!! We raised over $20,000 in conjunction with the annual auction. Participants included Proctor Terrace families, alumni, as well as our Proctor Terrace Community.

We are looking for volunteers who can help with seeking sponsors and donors, golfer registration and game day support. No experience with golf is necessary, just a willingness to help our school. There will be lots of fun under the sun, a few holes in one and a tone of laughs so please contact Troy Cox to ask questions about golfing or helping out!

If you would like to help with this year’s event please go to sing up genius   or contact:

Troy Cox, Tournament Director
707-523-0103 Home
707-494-2697 Cell

Please join us for a fun day of golfing!!!



PTA Weekly Update: March 8th, 2015

PTA General Meeting:

PTA  General meeting will be held this Tuesday the 10th  at 6:30pm please attend as we have a lot to look into for the rest of this year and start filling up the open spots for next year. Here is a list of a few open spots and more might be available so please attend .

  • Membership-
  • Tigerfest
  • Dine and Donate
  • Ice cream Social
  • Walk & Roll-
  • Teacher and Staff Appreciation-
  • Assemblies-
  • Welcome Back Picnic-

Dine and Donate:

We are getting ready for a fun Beach Part themed Dine and Donate night coming this April, 2015. will post more after the meeting this Tuesday but if you would like to help make this event happen please come to the meeting and see what is involved for this event to happen!

PTA 2nd Annually Golf Tournament:

The PTA 2nd Annual golf tournament will be held this coming May 8th 2015 Tee off time will be 1:15pm at the Bennett Valley GC. This is a great event to help support the PTA programs. A few things to keep in mind, is if you register before April, 3rd you will receive a $15 discount for individuals or a $60 discount on a foursome.

Last year’s event was a sold out success!!! We raised over $20,000 in conjunction with the annual auction. Participants included Proctor Terrace families, alumni, as well as our Proctor Terrace Community.

We are looking for volunteers who can help with seeking sponsors and donors, golfer registration and game day support. No experience with golf is necessary, just a willingness to help our school.There will be lots of fun under the sun, a few holes in one and a tone of laughs so please contact Troy Cox to ask questions about golfing or helping out!

If you would like to help with this year’s event please contact:

Troy Cox, Tournament Director
707-523-0103 Home
707-494-2697 Cell

Please join us for another exiting day of golfing

Catholic Charity Donation Drive:

We are accepting donations to help the Homeless starting March,9th -April, 10th. There will be bins in the hallways of the school to collect NEW ITEMS ONLY.

  •  New Socks for All ages children and adults
  •  New Underwear for All ages children and  adults
  • Ponchos
  • Household items
  • Trash bags
  • Zip lock bags
  • Toileteries
  • Cleaning Supplies


Spring Break:

Spring Break from March 23rd- March 27th. Have a fun safe happy Spring Break!


PTA Monthly Update: January 21st, 2015

Mrs. Olmsted


After-School Programs

Two new After-School Programs are coming to Proctor Terrace! More info + registration info coming home in next week’s Wed folders 1) PlayWell Lego Go to to register + for more info January 26 – March 30th for grades K-4 on Mondays 2) Drama Program – “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” January 28 – April (performance in April) for grades 1-6 on Wednesdays Ongoing Programs – see previous blogs for info, those programs with * are open for registration Mondays: Art* year round through May, all grades Wednesdays: Spanish grades K-2 (2nd session beginning in February) Thursdays: Spanish grades 3-6 (2nd session beginning in February) Piano* all grades Fridays: Tae Kwon Do* all grades Any questions: Contact Kathy Doig, After-School Programs Coordinator


Join Girls on the Run This Spring

Girls on the run Dates: Every Monday & Thursday from February 9 – April 24, 2015 (excluding holidays)  Time: 2:45 – 4:00pm Cost: $165 (Scholarship available upon request)     Contact: Coach Kristina Lee ~ Girls on the Run (GOTR) is a fun after-school program for 3rd to 5th grade girls that meets twice per week.  Using the power of running and being active, girls learn important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, goal-setting, conflict resolution and healthy decision making. At the end of the program, all girls participate in a non-competitive 5K (3.1 mile) run/walk event as a final personal challenge for the season.  Crossing the finish line produces a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in everyone.  To learn more, visit Application Deadline: February 1, 2015 Group size is limited to 15 girls and no running experience is necessary! Timeline: Application Period January 19 – February 1 Team Selection Period February 2 – February 6 CREDIT/DEBIT Cards Processed February 9 CASH Payments Due February 11 Application Instructions:

  1. Visit and apply
  2. Contact the Coach if you need a paper application or an application translated in Spanish

Group size is limited to 15 girls. To ensure equal participation, teams are lottery picked based upon grade and prior participation. If your daughter is selected on a team:

  • CREDIT/DEBIT Cards will be processed on February 9. CASH PAYMENTS are due February 11 or your spot will become open to wait list candidates
  • Coach will e-mail a Welcome Letter to you by February 9

If your daughter is not selected on a team, your CREDIT/DEBIT card will not be processed.

Tiger Togs Order

bag Tiger Tog orders are almost here! Thanks so much to everyone for their patience. Between the storm, the holidays, and the lack of inventory in my closet, new orders fell behind. Next week is when the delivery will be. Don’t forget, the new sling bags are also available for just $12, great way to tote around your extra gear!