After School Enrichment Programs

Many wonderful After-School Programs are starting up at Proctor Terrace this school year. No need to drive all over town for fun and quality activities!


  1. Move Over Mozart piano lessons offered for grades K-6 are held on Thursdays and will begin October 1st. For more information or to register, please call Lynn Fleck at 824-0307 or visit or click here for flyer.
  2. Spanish class is for grades K-2 on Wednesdays 9/23/15. Registration and info can be found here: or click here for flyer.
  3. KidVets Science classes for grades 2-6 begins 9/28/15. For more information, please email Pam Wittenberg or click here for flyer.
  4. Girls on the Run is offered for girls in grades 3-5 and will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. More information can be found here:


  1. Art class – will be offered on Wednesdays
  2. KidScience will be on Thursdays,
  3. Amazing Athletes will be on Tuesdays,
  4. Lego by Play-Well TEKnologies
  5. Spanish classes, Disfruta, will be offered for 3-6th graders in the Winter/Spring

Please support these programs by enrolling your students. Thank you!

Heather Green & Kris Lee (email and

After-School Program Coordinators