January 30th, 2014

PTA Positions 2014-2015

Looking for a great way to help our school? You’re in luck.  The PTA has several positions available for the year of 2014-2015. We have to fill these positions ASAP!

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer

Contact us at ProctorPTAboard@gmail.com for more information.


After School Enrichment Classes Update

Many of exciting programs are starting soon!

For those of you with 4th-6th graders interested in the Direction 5 Cooking class, it unfortunately had to be pushed back a couple weeks. The new start date will be Friday, February 7th. The class will take place on Fridays for 90 minutes for 4 weeks after school in the MPR kitchen. Focus will not only be on learning cooking techniques, but will include healthy recipes and health + nutrition lessons.

Piano lessons, ongoing until the end of the year on Thursdays, contact Lynn Fleck for more info: 707-824-0307 www.mozartpianolearning.com

Coming on Thursdays after Spring Break, more details soon: Offered by KIDSCIENCE: www.kidscienceadventures.com

Disfruta (The Language Truck) returns for another session of Spanish beginning on February 26th.
Classes will be offered for K-3rd graders on Wednesdays and 3rd-6th graders on Thursdays.
New: 5 week (every other week) OR 10 week enrollment.

Click here for the flyer

Click here for the registration form

Coming on Thursdays in early April, more details soon

Other potential classes:
Art class offered by Art and Soul, Playwell (LEGO) and Tennis

Most classes require minimum attendance to happen, so please check Wednesday folders for informational flyers and don’t delay in registering. Scholarships may be available, please contact Kathy Doig for more info skdoig@sonic.net or 707-545-7691. Thank you!
** If you would like to help coordinate fun classes like these next year, please contact Kathy Doig for more info. It’s fun, easy, rewarding and you can do it from home.


Important Flu Information

There has been a recent outbreak of the new H1N1flu in California. Anyone who has flu-like symptoms of fever, cough, body aches, vomiting, or diarrhea should stay home and avoid contact with other people and do the followings:
Call your doctor
Do not return to school until at least 24 hours after the fever or vomiting is subsided.


You Can Help Our 6th Graders

Four months from now in May, our 6th grade students will be heading off to Outdoor Education for the week. In our Outdoor Ed program (also known as Science Camp in some schools), students spend 5 days and 4 nights in West Sonoma County participating in an intensive and thoroughly enjoyable science education program. To help offset the food and lodging costs, the group will be holding a See’s Candy sale to help raise funds. Flyers will be sent home tomorrow with students for parents to consider donating to support the 6th graders. Proctor Terrace students have been participating on Outdoor Ed for nearly 40 years – it is very much a tradition and one of our students’ most memorable experiences.


Kindergarten Registration

Registration for Kindergarten began on Tuesday, January 14, 2014.


Golf Tournament


The Proctor Terrace Golf Tournament is coming on April 11th!

The Proctor Golf Tournament is BACK! Bennett Valley Golf course is hosting a fun-filled tourney with hosted holes, a dozen contests, and HUGE PRIZES! If you are interested in playing, volunteering, or partnering with us to raise money for Proctor Terrace, please email Troy Cox at troym84@yahoo.com, and Charlie Woods at 707equity@gmail.com. This will be an amazing time!! Also if you would like to sponsor a hole or know someone who would please contact Charlie Woods at 707equity@gmail.com or at 707-494-9955.
Parents are welcome to come to Legend’s at 7:30pm for hors d’oeuvres, beverages, maybe a live auction and dancing. Join the golfers into the evening to party and raise money for our school.
A Tennis Tournament is brewing that afternoon during our festivities. If you are a tennis player, or are interested in helping with a tournament, please contact Charlie Woods at 707equity@gmail.com or 707-494-9955.


Family Picnic

Our Family Picnic will be March 30th from 1pm-5pm. It will be at Galvin Park and will feature music, games and silent auction prizes. Jeff Tyler will also be there with his food truck or you can pack a lunch. There is no admission fee and everyone is welcome! Also we need volunteers to help plan and setup games and auction. Please contact Charlie Woods at 707-494-9955 or 707equity@gmail.com. Please save the day to enjoy with the Proctor Family.


Boys Basketball Team

Our boys basketball team is off to a great start. Come out and support Proctor Terrace and the boys at the games! Click here for a schedule.