March 5th, 2014

PTA Positions 2014-2015

Looking for a great way to help our school? You’re in luck.  The PTA has several positions available for the year of 2014-2015. We have to fill these positions ASAP!

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Book Fair Chair
  • Walk-a-thon Chair
  • Membership Chair
  • Tiger Tog Coordinator (Spirit Wear)
  • Dine and Donate Coordinator
  • School Directory Organizer

Contact us at for more information.

Daylight Savings Time

Please Remember to set your clocks forward one hour on Sunday March 9th.


Grade Cards

Grade cards will be set home on Friday March 7th.


PTA Meeting

March 11th is the next PTA Meeting.  It will start at 6:30pm in the library.  Come have your voice heard.

Enrichment Activities


If you have questions about any of the classes, please email Kathy Doig or call 707-545-7691

For additional info and flyers, please go to the school website:

All Classes have openings!

1) Disfruta Spanish Classes on Wednesdays for K-3 and on Thursdays for 3rd-6th graders, more info below

Our spring session is 10 weeks long starting the week of February 26-May 8.

To register, fill out the form online and pay the fee with PayPal (no account necessary). You may also fill out the paper registration form and mail it with a check to PO Box 4051 Santa Rosa, CA 95402.

For more information, check out  . Looking forward to another great session!
Hasta Luego,

Check out: Language Truck’s website!
Like: Language Truck on Facebook!

2) Art and Soul Music Studios – Art Class

Mixed Media Art – including clay, painting, drawing, collage and sculpture
Beginning on Monday, March 10th, Mondays for 40 minutes
For grades 1-6

For more info, pricing or to register go to
or call 707-575-7701

3) Direction 5 (D5) Culinary + Nutrition Program – starting THIS Friday!

For grades 1-3
Friday afternoons in the MPR kitchen from 2:30-4:00 pm
March 7th, 14th, 28th and April 4th

For tuition, registration or information about this non-profit organization,
contact 707-575-6721 or /


4) Lego / Playwell on Mondays for grades 1-3 (scheduled to begin March 24th)
5) KidScience on Thursdays for grades 1-6 (scheduled to begin on March 27th)
6) Golf on Thursdays in April


7) Move Over Mozart Piano
Piano lessons, ongoing until the end of the year on Thursdays, contact Lynn Fleck for more info: 707-824-0307


Labels for Education


With the points earned from submitting Labels to Education, your PTA has been able to order two new ball racks and 12 new playground balls for our kids.  There are over 2500 participating products that have the Labels for Education UPCs on them.  You can clip the UPC and put them in the envelope posted outside of the school office or to your classroom teacher.   We still have over 3000 points to spend. See for more details.  Thank you!


Family Picnic


Our Family Picnic will be March 30th from 12pm-3pm. It will be at Galvin Park and will feature music, jumpy house with a slide, games and opportunity drawing. Jeff Tyler will also be there with his food truck or you can pack a lunch.


There is no admission fee and everyone is welcome! Also we need volunteers to help plan and setup games and auction.

Click here to volunteer!


Golf Tournament and Auction


The Proctor Terrace Golf Tournament is coming on April 11th.
 Parents are welcome to come to Legend’s at 7pm for Hors d’oeuvres, beverages, a live and silent auction and dancing. Join the golfers into the evening to party and raise money for our school. Click here for the form to order a tickets for the event.
The Proctor Golf Tournament is BACK!  Bennett Valley Golf course is hosting a fun-filled tourney with hosted holes, a dozen contests, and HUGE PRIZES!  If you are interested in playing, volunteering, or partnering with us to raise money for Proctor Terrace, please email Troy Cox at, and Charlie Woods at This will be an amazing time!
A Tennis Tournament is brewing that afternoon during our festivities.  If you are a tennis player, or are interested in helping with a tournament, please contact Charlie Woods at or 707-494-9955.